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Courses, Lectures & Workshops
Sun 27 Apr 2025 - Sun 27 Apr 2025
Creative Writing Workshop

THE BOOK WITHIN YOU! CREATIVE WRITING DAY - LEIGHTON HALL SPRING 2025 Hosted by Dawn Bramwell - Self published Author You are warmly invited to attend a day of delving into your dream of becoming a writer!

Timings: 9am - 4.30pm
Cost: £75

Hosted by Dawn Bramwell - Self published Author
You are warmly invited to attend a day of delving into your dream
of becoming a writer!
Venue: The Garden Studio, Leighton Hall Carnforth, LA5 9ST.
Date: SUNDAY 27th APRIL 2025 9.00am - 4.30 pm
Cost: £75.00. Refreshments are included but please bring your own
picnic lunch.
Plot for the day!
9.00 am Arrival, tea, coffee, welcome.
9.30 Chapter One. My story and why do YOU want to write?
11.00 am Morning Break. Tea, coffee, biscuits etc.
11.30 am Chapter Two. Characters Tell The Story.
12.30 am Picnic Lunch. Weather permitting outside!
1.15 pm Chapter Three- The Story. Plotting and planning.
2.45 pm Afternoon Break. Tea, coffee, biscuits etc.
3.00 pm Chapter Four. What Happens Now?
4.00 pm Reflection. Final questions.
4.30 pm Departure.
The aim of the day is to inspire you start writing that book within
you. I will lead discussions and there will be individual and group
tasks. All you need to bring is a notepad and pen, your lunch and
enthusiasm! Don’t worry, it won’t feel like school!

To find out more about me and the books that I write, please visit
my website . You can follow me on
instagram @dawnbramwellauthor and Facebook dawnbramwellauthor

Do you have a book buried deep within you, that you yearn to bring
to light but have no idea how to go about doing so?
Maybe you think you aren’t clever enough; you didn’t have the right
kind of education; or simply that, other people do that kind of
thing, never you?
But deep down, you know it is there! That story that lies within you.
It might be fictional, it might be your own story, it doesn’t matter,
you know it needs to be told - somehow.
I wrote my first novel aged 20 whilst confined to bed with illness.
Writing has been my therapy and my passion ever since. I am now
Over the years I have had my books taken on by an agent in
London, (sadly now deceased) I have self-published, been taken on
by an independent publisher, and more recently reverted back to the
self-publishing route.
I know how difficult it is to pursue this mostly solitary dream. And
I understand how valuable it can be to have friendly support along
the way.
This is why I want to open the doorway to other people to follow
their dream of becoming a writer. It is not about money or fame, it
is about the creative voice inside that must be listened to.
I am hosting THE BOOK WITHIN YOU! Creative Writing Day at Leighton
Hall in Lancashire on Sunday 27th April 2025. It is a full day event
9.00-4.30pm. I will share my story as a writer with you and together
we will work towards getting you started on writing your book. The
cost for this event is £75.00. I look forward to seeing you there.
Dawn Bramwell X

Booking Information
Booking details: To reserve a place contact me directly on
07815 492420 or email
Contact Details
Contact Name: Dawn Bramwell
Phone: 07815 492420
Postal Address: