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Outdoor Event
Sun 27 Jul 2025
Motorcycle Hill Climb

Enjoy an exhilarating day of motorcycle racing as speed demons take on the 268 metre hill sprint up Leighton’s drive. Organised by Marshals North West, the race is open to all solo riders and 3 wheelers of any cc size.

Timings: The event opens at 8.30am. Practise runs start at 9.30am. Racing from 1pm
Cost: Spectator and participant admission tbc

The race is open to all solo motorcyclists and 3 wheelers of any cc size. There is no speed limit, and certainly no limit on noise!

The event opens at 8.30am, with practise runs start at 9.30am before racing starts at 1pm. Spectator and participant admission TBC - The hall itself will not be open for guided tours.

Event Terms & Conditions

  • Admission Tickets purchased online are only valid for the specific event, date and time as displayed on the ticket
  • No exchanges or refunds will be offered as the event will happen rain or shine
  • Admission Tickets must be shown on arrival either via electronic device or printed form
  • Tickets cannot be used at Leighton Hall in conjunction with any other events
  • Marshals North West and Leighton Hall accepts no responsibility for any injuries resulting from any trips or falls while on the property, under any circumstances
  • Parents are responsible for their children at all times whilst at Leighton Hall Motorcycle Hill Climb organised by Marshals North West.
  • Marshals North West and Leighton Hall accepts no responsibility for Parked vehicles for any damage or theft
  • Marshals North West and Leighton Hall accepts no responsibility for any personal property
  • Unauthorised duplication of any ticket will prevent your admittance to the event
  • Drones are not allowed
  • With the exception of registered assistance dogs, dogs are not allowed on site.

Event Cancellation

If Marshalls North West cancel for any reason:

  • Cancellation notices will be placed on this website (, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
  • An email will be sent to the email registered during the booking process.

If Marshalls North West cancel an event prior to the commencement of that event, then a full refund of the ticket price paid will be due, save for any third party booking fees. We accept no liability for any fees or expenses beyond the ticket price paid. If the event has begun, then no refund will be due.


MOTOR SPORT CAN BE DANGEROUS. Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. Please comply with all instructions of marshals and notices and remain in permitted areas only. THEY ARE CONCERNED WITH YOUR SAFETY. All vehicle passes must bear the same wording and comply with the above requirements. No Dogs or Drones Allowed

For any further queries please contact the organiser Michael Clear at Club Secretary Marshals North West, details found below.

Contact Details
Contact Name: Michael Clear
Phone: 07887 553325